On a roll

A good few days.

I ran 8 miles on Saturday, almost on a whim. I went out alone, and a bit later than usual, so it was light. What a treat! I ran round the marshes, the woods, the park. It felt glorious.

At times, I glanced at my watch and I was running at a 9-9.5 minute/ mile pace. But it felt easy! I was really “in the zone”… I woiuldn’t have been able to do that a few months ago in the midst of an 8 mile run.

Sunday, we were shopping in Aldi, and they had foam rollers. God! You do have to love Aldi. I’ve been wanting one for ages after reading about them in various blogs, but haven’t been able to justify the expense. This one was Β£7.99 and it looks suitably evil, so I treated myself. It is amaaaaazing! My right hamstring, which has basically been sore for a few years now, felt lovely after using it. It is definitely my new best friend…


Tonight, I’d arranged to run with Sophie, but I wanted to do some speed work. So I went out about 20 minutes early, warmed up, and ran up some hills. Then I met her, and we ran for 2 miles or so together. I then did a fartlek run on my route home. It totalled my (now) usual 5 miles.

There’s a possibility I might be able to convince some people from work to do a speed session with me after school once a week. Still working on that one. That would be brilliant in terms of motivation, time of day, juggling…. Fingers crossed!



12 thoughts on “On a roll

  1. I am late and reluctant convert to rolling…you could say I went screaming and fighting, if anyone was actually making me do it, which there wasn’t of course…but anyway, once I got myself broken into the pain, I use it after every run now, almost without fail (‘cept for tonight when I was in a bit of a hurry)…I do think it really helps, especially over the course of a long training cycle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m really enjoying using it. I think I must be a weirdo πŸ˜‰ but I’ve had various injuries in the past that have required some pretty major (and painful!) massage… so it makes sense to me that I try and prevent this.


    • Having had lots of painful massage in the past when I got injured, I can tell you prevention is much less painful than “curing” things! πŸ˜‰ I’m glad I read about other people using them, or I’d never have even known about them! That’s why I love this blogging thing…


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